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Thursday, March 8, 2012

the post with no name

I couldn't think of a good title for this post. It's kind of just a jumble of lots of things recently. So, here we go!

Woah! It's me! I hardly ever post pictures of myself on here unless they are from a photo shoot or something but I really liked this picture.

My lovely Valentine's day rose and movie tickets! The Vow was sooo good!

Valentine's day ice cream date!

Our "mean" puppy. I have no idea why she makes mean face all the time. She's so sweet.

She also likes to lay like a frog? She's goofy.

Fuzzy bear! This is after playing and rolling around on the floor.

"Playtime Momma?"

We are best buds.

Another weird way that she lays. It doesn't look comfortable but she lays like this a lot.

Looking mean again because I won't give her the toy.

Leap Day free cookie!!!!

Kind of been obsessed with them lately.

Sunny nap time.

Lazy bums. 

Precious little Princess.

Starbucks date.

My thrift finds from last weekend. I got all of this for $15!! A few of those books have been on my reading list for a while now so I was super excited that I found them!

This is her "I don't wanna get up and go to the vet" face.

Driving to my parent's house so we can take the baby to the vet to get spayed.

Yeah, I totally found this awesomeness for $5 the other day at a flea market. Perfect condition and it said the cassette has never been played! I pretty much love it.

What have you been up to lately?

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